EWIP’s Sixth-Annual Leadership Conference
Participate in the conference that year after year has kept the conversation going on women’s leadership in publishing. EWIP’s 6th-Annual Women’s Leadership Conference will be held on Thursday March 6, 2014. There are many new developments brewing this year. We know our attendees expect to hear a variety of voices, from different industries and perspectives. Our program is designed to illuminate the important issues and examine relevant topics to assist you in our fast moving world. This a dynamic event where you can engage—in person—with a smart and energetic community. You will leave with more enthusiasm for your career and greater insight and confidence in how to move forward. Suggested hashtag: #ewip2014
Speakers | Sessions | Sponsors | Partners | Registration | EWIP Award | Where to Stay
How to Move Forward: Women Leaders in Media
*** Thursday, March 6, 2014 ***
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
16th Annual EWIP Award Luncheon
Honoring Kara Swisher, co-founder, Re/code
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Wine Reception
Wind down after the day’s events
Julia Morgan Lounge, 15th floor
4:45 PM – 6:45 PM
The Merchants Exchange Building
Julia Morgan Ballroom – 15th Floor
465 California Street, San Francisco
EWIP Honors Kara Swisher with 2014 Award
EWIP is pleased to announce that Kara Swisher, respected journalist and smart lady with many hats, is EWIP’s sixteenth recipient of the Exceptional Woman in Publishing Award. Swisher has achieved prominence in her career reporting on Silicon Valley and digital technology. She, along with partner Walt Mossberg parted ways with their Wall Street Journal blog and tech conference, AllthingsD last year and launched their own technology news company, website and conference. In this new venture, backed by NBC and other investors, Swisher is co-CEO of Revere Digital (the company), co-executive editor of Re/code (the website), and co-executive producer of The Code Conference (the conference) along with Mossberg. Her coverage of the scandalous gender biases in tech companies of all flavors is just one of the many reasons we think she has earned an honored place among the list of exceptional women in publishing. @karaswisher has 933,927 twitter followers. Let’s see if we can’t push her over the million mark.
Read more about Kara Swisher and see the complete list of woman honored with EWIP Award since 1999.
Conference Host, Speakers and Moderators
Our host for the sixth-annual Women’s Leadership Conference is Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig, an award winning journalist with more than 15 years in print and online reporting, editing, social media and design. She is a serious multitask-er who worked at The Arizona Republic and at three MediaNews publications, including city editor at the Oakland Tribune earning recognitions that include first place for investigative reporting for her work with the Chauncey Bailey Project and an Associated Press Managing Editors Award for column writing. She currently is co-owner of ZM Productions, and CEO/editor-in-chief of the online magazine, shades Magazine—Celebrating All Women of Color. Fitzhugh-Craig serves as the Region VI director for the National Association of Black Journalists and is the immediate past president for the Bay Area Black Journalists Association. She is a graduate of Arizona State University and joined the EWIP board of directors in 2013.
Confirmed speakers include:
Rose Aguilar host, Your Call on KALW
Anastasia Ashman, social community builder, Selfish.me
Amanda Barbara, vice president, Pubslush, Inc.
Deanna Brown, CEO, Byliner, Inc.
Sumi Das, reporter, BBC and CBS Interactive
Pamela Day, researcher and entrepreneur, Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab
Amanda Enayati, author and columnist, CNN Health
Victoria Fine, managing editor, Upworthy
Una Fox, vice president of enterprise data, The Walt Disney Company
Eileen Gittins, CEO, Blurb, Inc.
Sarah Granger, author and founder, Center for Technology, Media & Society
Colleen Holland, co-founder, VegNews Media
Liz Howard, director of operations, Hackbright Academy
Clara Jeffery, co-editor, Mother Jones
Stacey Kennelly, associate editor, Diablo, managing editor, Napa Sonoma
Liberty Madison, founder, Life With Technology
Trish Mills Gray, software development manager, Expedia, Inc.
S. Mitra Kalita, ideas editor, Quartz
Goli Mohammadi, senior editor, Maker Media
Maureen Nandini Mitra, managing editor, Earth Island Journal
Peggy Northrop, editor in chief, Sunset Magazine and co-founder, Shebooks
Michela O’Connor Abrams, CEO and president, Dwell Media
Linda Page, senior director of world wide field enablement, Adobe
Mia Quagliarello, head of curation, Flipboard
Tasneem Raja, digital interactive editor, Mother Jones
Katherine Ann Rowlands, East Bay metro editor, Bay Area News Group and past president, Journalism & Women Symposium (JAWS)
Rebecca Ruiz, freelance reporter, Al Jazeera America, The Atlantic, Forbes, and TODAY.com
Cynthia Samuels, partner, The Cobblestone Team
Thea Selby, principal, Next Steps Marketing
Kristine Shine, president San Francisco Chronicle, SFGate.com
Melissa Small, design director, The Bold Italic
Claudia Smukler, production director, Mother Jones
Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO, BlogHer, Inc.
Maria Streshinsky, editor in chief, Pacific Standard
Maureen Sullivan, president, AOL.com and Lifestyle Brands
Kara Swisher, co-founder and co-executive editor, Re/code
Andaiye Taylor, founder, BrickCityLive
Lindsey Turrentine, VP and editor in chief of reviews, CNET
Natalie Villalobos, women in tech advocate, Google
Máire Walsh, vice president of sales and marketing, Next Steps Marketing
Yumi Wilson, corporate communications manager, LinkedIn
Molly Wood, deputy technology editor Business Day, New York Times
Conference Program

The conference schedule and speakers are subject to change.
Suggested Twitter hashtag: #ewip2014
REGISTRATION :: Opens at 8:00 AM
Courtesy of Brown Printing Company
WELCOME :: 8:30 – 8:45 AM
Máire Walsh and Claudia Smukler, leadership conference co-chairs
Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig, leadership conference host
The conference schedule and speakers are subject to change.
Julia Morgan Ballroom
How to Move Forward: Women Leaders in Media
Women have moved beyond token representation in media and technology leadership. Though there are significant barriers for many and serious gender equity issues around the globe, women are clearly gaining momentum in the leadership game. Our panelists are running large organizations that are impacted by, inspired by, and disrupted by the dramatic changes in the global economy, digital technology, and changing audience dynamics. They will speak about their motivations and inspiration to lead at the highest levels and what signs of progress, opportunities, and challenges they see ahead.
Eileen Gittins, CEO, Blurb, Inc. (shown)
Kristine Shine, president, San Francisco Chronicle and SFGate.com (shown)
Maureen Sullivan, president, AOL.com and Lifestyle Brands
Moderator :: Molly Wood, deputy technology editor, Business Day, New York Times
Julia Morgan Ballroom
Innovation is core to success in today’s fast-changing media world. New engagement strategies are gaining momentum and mobile continues to reshape the media landscape. Our panelists will discuss what works in their organizations and what new ideas or emerging technologies lay ahead that will spur a new age of media growth. Are media companies doing enough to engage audiences? How can they move quickly to take advantage of new business and audience models?
Una Fox, vice president of enterprise data, The Walt Disney Company
Mia Quagliarello, head of curation, Flipboard
Melissa Small, design director, The Bold Italic
Yumi Wilson, corporate communications manager, LinkedIn (shown)
Moderator :: Lindsey Turrentine, VP and editor in chief of reviews, CNET
Merchants Exchange Club
The panelist will discuss how women in the fields of technology—engineering, programming, coding, web development—face similar challenges to many women in male-dominated fields experience but have worked to turn the tide. Despite the obstacles, there is huge opportunity for women. They’ll take a look at their strategies for overcoming the challenges, gaining respect, and what it takes to really move forward in tech. Among other topics, they will address gender-neutral reporting and why women-only coding/hacking events are popular.
Liz Howard, director of operations and instructor, Hackbright Academy
Trish Mills Gray, software development manager, Expedia
Tasneem Raja, interactive editor, Mother Jones (shown)
Natalie Villalobos, women in tech advocate, Google
Moderator :: Goli Mohammadi, senior editor, Maker Media
Merchants Exchange Club
Internet stories on the latest celebrity scandal, the next smartphone release, or sensational pet videos can get tons of clicks. But is real news and information that matters to people getting lost in the fray? Our speakers will share how broccoli journalism, the news that people need to know, is made more palatable. They offer concrete examples on how news stories, blogs, and content from a diversity of
voices can look more like dessert and grab traffic gold. They will also share strategies on how to get viewers to care more about communities beyond their own. Attendees will emerge with practical tips to apply to their own storytelling and learn to attack their own ideas with an eye toward the marketability and shareability of content.
Victoria Fine, managing editor, Upworthy (shown)
S. Mitra Kalita ideas editor, Quartz
Andaiye Taylor, founder, Brick City Live (shown)
Moderator :: Sumi Das, reporter, BBC and CBS Interactive
Julia Morgan Ballroom – 15th floor
We honor Kara Swisher, as an Exceptional Woman in Publishing. The 2014 EWIP Award will be presented to Kara by Máire Walsh, the president of EWIP and Deanna Brown, who earned the EWIP Award in 2013. Kara joins Deanna and other highly acclaimed leaders in publishing on our list of honorees.
Award luncheon is courtesy of Adobe
BREAKOUT SESSION :: 2:10 – 3:00 (Track A)
Merchants Exchange Club
How to Build Meaningful Community Using Social Media
Merchants Exchange Club – 1st floor
Social media is such a huge part of everything from sales to deep personal connections. How do we use it to build genuine community? Our panelist come to social media from different perspectives: community building, crowdsourcing, social media platform, and a behavior design laboratory. They will share their experiences, what the research shows, and what’s in their gut.
Anastasia Ashman, social community builder, Selfish.me
Amanda Barbara, vice president, Pubslush
Moderator :: Pamela Day, researcher and entrepreneur, Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab
BREAKOUT SESSION :: 2:10 – 3:00 (Track B)
Merchants Exchange Club
In managing their careers, the newest generation of content creators are expected to be superstars. They must write, edit, shoot, produce, design, and code, and then be clever self-promoters, all before noon. What are the motivations? Where do they find relevant training and experience; and are there enough opportunities to make a living wage? This panel of talented storytellers will approach these questions from a fresh perspective, talk about their personal strategies, the underlying industry trends, and some creative new programs for women that aim to provide dynamic support.
Liberty Madison, ThatTechGirl
Katherine Ann Rowlands, East Bay metro editor, Bay Area News Group; past president, Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS)
Rebecca Ruiz, freelance reporter, Al Jazeera America, The Atlantic, Forbes, and TODAY.com
Moderator :: Stacey Kennelly, associate editor, Diablo and managing editor, Napa Sonoma
BREAKOUT SESSION :: 3:10 – 4:00 (Track A)
Merchants Exchange Club
More and more women, especially journalists and others whose work depends on a social media presence have become targets of mass trolling, hate speech, and even more serious threats by anonymous attackers. When social media is used by misogynists to threaten the privacy and reputation of outspoken women why aren’t the technology companies and law enforcement agencies more responsive? Our panelists will discuss actions some have taken for their own protection and look at what might be needed to safeguard the internet as a less hostile place for everyone to work.
Clara Jeffery, co-editor, Mother Jones
Maria Streshinsky, editor in chief, Pacific Standard (shown)
Moderator: Rose Aguilar, host, Your Call on KALW
BREAKOUT SESSION :: 3:10 – 4:00 (Track B)
Merchants Exchange Club
Whether it’s traditional media or digital, whether it’s stand-alone or syndicated, a job or a gig, a consulting practice or high-level management, as in so many other professions, nothing is permanent or predictable anymore. Big office to home office, blogger to entrepreneur, novice to mentor, single to married, to mom – every change is an opportunity, for employers and organizations as well as individuals. Sharing their own stories, our panelists will take a look at the issues and considerations in learning how to manage transitions and gain confidence to grow your own career and make it work better for you.
Amanda Enayati, author and columnist, CNN Health
Cynthia Samuels, partner, The Cobblestone Team
Peggy Northrop, editor in chief, Sunset Magazine and co-founder, Shebooks
Moderator :: Sarah Granger, author and founder, Center for Technology, Media & Society
Julia Morgan Ballroom
Women are making changes, for the better, all over the world. In our final session of the day we selected a few short interviews to show from the digital video series “Makers: Women Who Make America”. This ongoing initiative developed by AOL and PBS is a massive video collection of women telling their own story. Video interviews include: Gabby Giffords, Alice Walker, Jane Pratt, Malika Saada Saar, Ruth Beder Ginsberg, and Margaret Cho. We have also invited some special guests to join us on stage to help celebrate these trailblazers and share a bit of their own journey with us.
Colleen Holland, co-founder, VegNews Media
Maureen Nandini Mitra, managing editor, Earth Island Journal
Michela O’Connor Abrams, CEO and president, Dwell Media
Linda Page, senior director of world wide field enablement, Adobe
Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO, BlogHer, Inc.
Moderator :: Thea Selby, principal, Next Steps Marketing
CLOSING REMARKS :: Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig & the EWIP Board of Directors
4:45 – 6:45
Julia Morgan Lounge 15th floor
Wind down after the days’ events
Courtesy of Publishers Press
The conference schedule and speakers are subject to change.
Speakers | Sessions | Sponsors | Partners | Registration | EWIP Award | Where to Stay
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