Standing Together
20 Years of Exceptional Women
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Celebrate our 20th!
Join us as we celebrate 20 years of supporting women in leadership roles across the media and publishing industries. Our signature conference with its all-female roster of speakers will look back at the evolution of groups such as EWIP, discuss the continued need to push for female leadership today, and explore the future of how publishing and media’s power can be deployed. Conference hashtag: #ewip2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017 | Clark Kerr Campus Conference Center, UCB
Few industries are as unique as publishing, a largely straight-talking environment tasked with tracking cultural shifts and hard-hitting social issues. Yet despite attracting myriad women professionals and consumers, the numbers don’t always add up in newsrooms or literary houses when it comes to bylines, authorships, or that corner office position. How do women step up in greater numbers to lead, create and build? Forget drawing a line in the sand: It’s time to build a whole new sandbox. This conference is where you’ll hear valuable insights from phenomenal media and publishing pros, and gain skills and tools to start using immediately.
Our Women’s Leadership Conference features two tracks, personal brand and business strategy, bookended by outstanding panels. Attend this high-energy day and connect with women and men whose ideas, insights and experience will help transform your career.
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EWIP Honors Janice Min with 2017 Award
EWIP is thrilled to honor Janice Min, strategist with Eldridge Industries and co-owner of The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group, as the 2017 Exceptional Woman in Publishing.
“Janice Min is a true visionary and innovator in print and digital publishing,” said EWIP President Vera Chan. “She’s a leader and turnaround artist of the highest caliber, successfully remaking publications on both coasts and expanding their reach in new arenas. We are excited to recognize her.”
The annual EWIP award is given to women who have achieved a high standard of professional excellence and have made extraordinary contributions to publishing. Past honorees have included Gloria Steinem, Kara Swisher, Susan Taylor, Susan Goldberg, and Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery. (See the complete list of women honored with the EWIP Award since 1999.)
Min rose to prominence as the top editor of Us Weekly, which she remade into a consumer and advertising juggernaut. She took the helm of The Hollywood Reporter (THR) in 2010, engineering one of publishing’s biggest media turnarounds. THR has won multiple awards, including a National Magazine Award for General Excellence, Special Interest, in 2015 and 2016.
In 2014, she also assumed leadership of Billboard, with similar success. Today, The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group reaches more than 24 million readers a month online, with a social footprint of more than 20 million.
Min also led a move into live events and television, executive producing THR’s award-winning entertainment roundtable series for A&E and SundanceTV. THR and Billboard video, with online shows airing from every film and music festival, is on Facebook, and Min oversaw the entertainment news groups’ dedicated Facebook Live team.
Both THR and Billboard are owned by media company Eldridge Industries.
Janice Min has helped elevate women in media through Billboard’s annual Women in Music show, Woman of the Year, and Women in Music list, which identifies the 50 most powerful female executives in the industry. THR presents an annual Women in Entertainment VIP breakfast, which honors a female pioneer and leader in her industry with the Sherry Lansing Leadership Award.
In addition, The Hollywood Reporter Women in Entertainment Mentorship Program annually pairs 15 to 20 high school junior girls with top-level women in the entertainment business.
A graduate of Columbia College and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, Min currently serves on The Paley Center for Media’s Los Angeles Board of Governors.
(Presenter of the award: 2016 Exceptional Women Monika Bauerlein)
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Speaker quicklist
Speakers subject to change
- Michela O’Connor Abrams, former Chief Executive Officer and President, Dwell Media (@dwellprez)
- Rochelle Bailis, Co-founder, StoryCraft/Global Director of Content at Connexity (Hitwise, Shopzilla, PriceGrabber) (@rbailis)
- Jess Barron, Vice President & General Manager, LIVESTRONG.COM (@JessDandy)
- Monika Bauerlein, CEO, Mother Jones (@MonikaBauerlein)
- Elmy Bermejo, Regional Representative for US Labor Secretary Tom Perez at US Department of Labor (@ElmyBermejo)
- Stephanie Blake, Channel Manager – Direct & Retention, San Francisco Chronicle (@udlvths)
- Kate Byrne, Founder of Girls Gone Global and VP of Strategic Partnership and Business Development for Watermark (@kbs2cents)
- Indu Chandrasekhar, Director of Audience Development, WIRED (@indumania)
- Aya de Leon, Novelist, University of California at Berkeley lecturer (@AyadeLeon)
- Margaret de Luna, President,
- Stacey Brooks Delo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, (@staceydelo)
- Jory Des Jardins, Co-founder, BlogHer, Virago (@ViragodotCo)
- Jennifer Duong, Director of Virtual Reality, 1215creative (@jenndefer)
- Stephanie Engle, Product Designer, Facebook (@Soengle)
- Kristen Go, Editorial Director, Common Sense News Service (@kristenrgo)
- Melissa Gunning, Director of Content Programming, Yahoo
- Lia Haberman, Director of Social Media, LIVESTRONG.COM (@liahaberman)
- Cassandra Herrman, Producer/Director, Emblematic Group (@CassandraH)
- Vanessa Hua, Author and San Francisco Chronicle columnist (@vanessa_hua)
- Holly Kernan, Vice President of News, KQED (@KQEDKernan)
- Lila LaHood, Publisher, San Francisco Public Press (@lilalahood)
- Kerry Lonsdale, Author and Founder, Women’s Fiction Writers Association (@KerryLonsdale)
- Courtney Martin, Co-Founder, Solutions Journalism Network (@courtwrites)
- Laurie McLean, Founding Partner, Fuse Literary Agency (@agentsavant)
- Anne McSilver, Editor and Publisher, Via Magazine (@amcsilver)
- Janice Min, strategist with Eldridge Industries and co-owner of The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group, (@janicemin)
- DeLinda Mrowka, Vice President, Corporate Sponsorship, KQED (@DeLindaLM)
- Wanita Niehaus, Founder & President, Powerhaus Consultants (@WanitaNiehaus)
- Lisa Raphael, VP Content & Audience Development, The Relish Media Group (@LRapTweets)
- Zahra Rasool, Editorial Lead, The Scene, Al Jazeera (@RXahra)
- Katherine Rowlands, John S. Knight Fellow, Stanford University (@news_kat)
- Linda Ruth, President, PSCS Consulting (@Linda_Ruth)
- Thea Selby, Principal, Next Steps Marketing (@TheaSelby)
- Naheed Senzai, Author (@nhsnatsenzai)
- Roberta Steele, San Francisco Regional Attorney, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Leigh Stein, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Out of the Binders (@rhymeswithbee)
- Tracey Taylor, Co-founder and Managing Editor, Berkeleyside (@tktaylor)
- Elle Toussi, Journalist and Founder, In One Minute (@ElleToussi)
- Brooke Warner, Publisher, She Writes Press (@Brooke_Warner)
- Lisa Westmoreland, Executive Editor, Ten Speed Press (@EditingLisa)
- Marisa Wong, Editor at Large, LinkedIn (@Marisa_Wong)
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Exceptional Women in Publishing’s Leadership Conference
Schedule at a glance:
Thursday, March 30, 2017
9 AM Breakfast Panel: Standing Together, Taking a Stand, Krutch Theatre
2601 Warring Street, Berkeley, Calif. 94720
[map & directions]
Celebrate | 2017 Awardee | Speakers | Schedule | Sessions | Bios | Sponsors | Board | Tickets | Award History | Directions/Getting Here | Where to Stay
Session descriptions:
Standing Together, Taking a Stand: In the past few years, we have seen more leadership training aimed at breaking the glass ceiling, among them the ONA-Poynter Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media, and ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator. The Binders, a nonprofit devoted to advancing the careers of women and gender non-conforming writers, has tens of thousands of members. Yet, as we know from recent events and a divisive election campaign, we still must push issues of equity and discrimination to the forefront of conversation; we still deal with “statistics” claiming that women leaders fail. Now more than ever, media and marketing must be vigilant about the facts and ensure they are known. (Krutch Theatre | Jess Barron, Elmy Bermejo, Holly Kernan, Linda Ruth, Thea Selby, Leigh Stein. Moderator: Katherine Rowlands)
Not In My Sandbox: Fighting unconscious bias and gender inequality by knowing your rights: It has been 53 years since the Civil Rights Act, 45 years since Title IX, eight years since the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and a year out from FOX’s Gretchen Carlson lawsuit and the infamous Access Hollywood leak. Even as information such as pay rates become more transparent, workplace inequity, sexism and harassment still exist. The publishing industry is not immune, despite some disciplines and major publications that are dominated by women. Also, changing mores can make it difficult to gauge the new boundaries in newsrooms and publishing houses. How do women speak up, without isolating themselves? What policies need to be enforced in workplaces and businesses? Forget drawing a line in the sand: It’s time to build a whole new sandbox. (Garden Room | Kate Byrne, Roberta Steele. Moderator: Vera Chan)
Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need: You create and publish great stuff, but if you don’t have an audience (or two or three), it’s all for naught. And to grow your publication and brand, whether you’re a big company, sole operator or part of a startup, you need to grow audience continuously. Come hear audience development pros describe what they do, how they do it and why it’s so critical. You’ll take away their tips and insights on connecting with your core audience, finding audiences you never thought you had, and how to leverage opportunities — including new content, products, distribution models, programming and customer care — to grow audience and keep them engaged. (Krutch Theatre | Indu Chandrasekhar, Lia Haberman, Lisa Raphael. Moderator: Stephanie Blake)
From Crossroads to Intersection: How all roads lead to you: Loyalty isn’t dead, but it sure isn’t what it used to be. Layoffs, turnovers and job-hopping are the new normal. Some Millennial recruiters look askance at job longevity, seeing it as a marker of stagnancy. Instead of interviews, job applicants are asked to do projects as proof of their worth, and even then there are no guarantees. In other words, we have all become freelancers, independent agents, vendors — and masters of our own destiny. Embrace the opportunity, and see how these women decided to make their own rewards. (Garden Room | Rochelle Bailis, Courtney Martin, Wanita Niehaus. Moderator: Kate Byrne)
Event as Brand, Platform and Distribution: As any social butterfly can tell you, how you throw a party — or any kind of gathering — reflects on your brand. We explore why publishing companies and newsrooms are now embracing events as part of their audience engagement strategy, and offer practical tips on what types of events fit certain branding goals, what apps/ticketing process can ease planning and help with retention, and the all-important follow-up. (Krutch Theatre | Michela Abrams, DeLinda Mrowka, Tracey Taylor. Moderator: Lila Lahood)
Live Now… Video’s third wave: Video tools may have downsized so that they fit in the palm of our hands, but video’s platform ubiquity has made it bigger and more powerful than ever. Social media companies are banking on it, with giants like Facebook and Twitter heavily investing in livestreams and challenging the primacy of traditional broadcast. Now video is going even deeper with augmented and virtual reality, seen in everything from Pokemon Live to re-creations of past events. A discussion of what’s happening now and where we’re going. (Krutch Theatre | Jennifer Duong, Stephanie Engle, Cassandra Herrman, Zahra Rasool. Moderator: Elle Toussi)
The Art & Science of Making Money: Seasoned businesses and startups are trying to monetize content and other products in different ways, including sponsorship, freemium, subscription, native advertising and more. How will it ultimately play out? Hear from leaders on what their publications/companies are doing; what’s working; their predictions for the future; and how these strategies will impact audience, the industry and entrepreneurs who want to get in the game. (Garden Room | Margaret de Luna, Jory des Jardins, Anne McSilver. Moderator: Katharine Fong)
24-7: How to reclaim your life in a relentless technological pace: Technology has made us 24-7 workers, to the point where companies such as Apple and Facebook include egg-freezing as a “fertility perk.” The promises of flex time, telecommuting, and family leave haven’t smoothed career-track advancement, especially for the “sandwich generation” — often women — who are caregivers for children and the elderly. What are the laws governing private and work life; how do we map out a long-range strategy that deals with the “time-out penalty”; what are the movements we can support to promote a healthy workplace for all? (Garden Room | Elmy Bermejo, Stacey Brooks Delo, Kristen Go. Moderator: Deborah Todd)
A Numbers Game: Pivot to data and product thinking: While the Silicon Valley advice to fail fast and fail frequently might be a bit overstated, publishers have learned of the need to be ready to pivot and adapt to the breakneck speed of innovation and competition. The Bay Area and Southern California publishing business environments in particular are subject to at least three realities: a plenitude of startups (tech and otherwise), tech giants that attract nimble and data-savvy staff, and a concentration of media power in New York. The ability to pivot quickly to compete means having a product mindset and a firm grounding in big data. (Krutch Theatre | Jess Barron, Melissa Gunning, Marisa Wong. Moderator: Vera Chan)
Changes in Book Publishing & Happy Hour: Come hear a lively panel discussion that will give an insider look at an industry in transition, as technology redefines the relationship among authors, publishers and readers. What new opportunities does this present? How do writers and editors make their mark? Featuring award-winning authors and noted publishers and editors, the panel is moderated by Fuse Literary Agency founding partner Laurie McLean. Discussion topics:
Aya de Leon on social media’s direct connection with one’s audience; Vanessa Hua on how her journalistic endeavors and fiction influence each other; Kerry Lonsdale on Amazon, its impact on the industry, and how authors can use it for their own gain; Naheed Senzai on authors’ voices bringing diversity to the industry; Brooke Warner on the democratization of book publishing; and Lisa Westmoreland with perspective on New York vs. non-New York publishing. (Krutch Theatre)
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Exceptional Women in Publishing’s Leadership Conference
About our speakers
As former Chief Executive Officer and President of Dwell Media, Michela O’Connor Abrams led the magazine to prominence and top awards. She conceived and launched Dwell on Design, the largest design show on the West Coast. She is currently consulting to the retail and design trade. (@dwellprez) Event as Brand and Distribution | |
Rochelle Bailis is co-founder of StoryCraft, and Global Content Director at Hitwise. She has experience crafting content for brands large and small. Before her current role, she was a Senior Managing Editor at Intuit, where she helped build the Small Business Center. She is passionate about telling stories that compel action. (@rbailis) From Crossroads to Intersection: How all roads lead to you | |
Jess Barron is Vice President & General Manager for LIVESTRONG.COM, the leading healthy lifestyle website with over 28 million unique monthly viewers. Jess and the LIVESTRONG team created the #StrongerWomen series, interviewing female leaders of food, fitness and wellness empires. Previously, she ran the team that chose the headlines for the front page of Yahoo!. (@JessDandy) Standing Together, Taking a Stand & A Numbers Game: Pivot to Data and Product Thinking | |
Monika Bauerlein (at right) and Clara Jeffery are Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief, respectively, of Mother Jones. Monika and Clara were recipients of the Exceptional Women in Publishing Award in 2016. Smart, fearless leaders, their work has transformed the nonprofit news organization into a key player in global media. During their tenure, Mother Jones’ coverage of everything from politics and climate change to education and food has won major recognition — and more importantly, has made a difference. (@MonikaBauerlein, @ClaraJeffery) Presenters of the 2017 Exceptional Woman in Publishing Award | |
Elmy Bermejo, Regional Representative at the U.S. Department of Labor. As a senior government official, Elmy works on such issues as workforce development, worker protections, paid leave, and minimum wage. Currently president of the San Francisco Commission on the Environment, she serves on the board of the Beneficial State Foundation and is an advisory member of Hispanas Organized for Political Equality. (@ElmyBermejo) Standing Together, Taking a Stand & 24-7: How to reclaim your life in a relentless technological pace | |
Stephanie Blake is Channel Manager – Direct & Retention at the San Francisco Chronicle. With a successful career spanning more than 20 years, Stephanie has a proven track record of developing innovative and successful marketing programs; her knowledge and expertise cover multiple integrated marketing disciplines. (@udlvths) Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need | |
Kate Byrne is VP of Business Development and Partner/Membership at Watermark, which provides leadership and board preparedness for women. She is founder of Girls Gone Global, a social enterprise charged with igniting girls’ voices, social impact, media and financial literacy skills. Kate has also served in leadership roles at the Tides Foundation, George Lucas Education Foundation, BusinessWeek, Fast Company and Inc. (@kbs2cents) Not In My Sandbox: Fighting unconscious bias and gender equality by knowing your rights | |
Cassandra Herrman is an Emmy-nominated producer/director who is working with Emblematic Group on a multi-film collaboration with PBS’ FRONTLINE as well as on special projects. She co-directed After Solitary which premiered at the SXSW film festival and won the Jury Award for Room Scale VR. Her Al Jazeera film Death In Plain Sight was the basis for Emblematic’s VR film Kiya, which premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and was a NYT Op-Doc selection. (@CassandraH) Video’s Third Wave |
Writing and problem-solving have always been Indu Chandrasekhar’s favorite subjects – when she discovered audience development, she realized she could do both. Indu leads audience development, social media and analytics at WIRED. Previously, she worked with MarketWatch, the Wall Street Journal and the UK’s Telegraph. (@indumania) Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need | |
Aya de Leon teaches creative writing at UC Berkeley. Kensington Books publishes her feminist heist trilogy: Uptown Thief (2016), The Boss (2017) and The Accidental Mistress (2018). Her work has appeared in Ebony, Guernica, Writers Digest, Bitch Magazine and Huffington Post. She recently completed a black spy girl YA novel. (@AyadeLeon) Changes in Book Publishing |
Margaret de Luna, president of, has 20 years of experience in the media industry. She is responsible for TheStreet’s advertising-based flagship site and the consumer subscription business. Margaret spent more than 10 years at MarketWatch in managerial roles, with the most recent being interim General Manager. Before joining TheStreet, she was VP of Product at Praetorian Digital. Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need | |
Stacey Brooks Delo, founder and Chief Executive Officer,, which connects smart moms to flexible job opportunities. Previously, Stacey helped build the online video team at The Wall Street Journal Digital Network and hosted WSJ’s ground-breaking live video program “Digits,” covering the day’s technology news. She graduated from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and holds a Masters from American University. (@staceydelo) 24-7: How to reclaim your life in a relentless technological pace | |
Jory Des Jardins co-founded BlogHer, a a category-defining women’s digital media company that was acquired by SheKnows Media in 2014. As BlogHer’s president, she led top relationships with Fortune 500 brands and digital/media agency leadership; at acquisition, BlogHer had 100 million monthly readers across multiple social platforms. As co-founder of The Virago Group, she advises numerous early to later-stage digital startups. (@ViragodotCo) The Art and Science of Making Money | |
Jenny Duong is the Director of Virtual Reality at 1215creative, a creative agency and production company based in Los Angeles. She oversees all things VR ranging from creative/ideation to production to post production and distribution strategies. In 2016, she co-founded SH//FT an organization that supports equality, diversity, and inclusion in future technologies. She was recently named #22 in Onalytic’s 100 Top Individual VR Influencers 2016. (@jenndefer) Live Now… Video’s Third Wave | |
Stephanie Engle is a Product Designer at Facebook. Currently she works on Social VR, 360 Media, and Live Videos. In the past, she helped redesign Facebook Profile, studied Public Policy at Duke University, and was that weird horse girl you knew in middle school. (@Soengle) Live Now… Video’s Third Wave | |
Kristen Go is editorial director at Common Sense News, which covers children’s and family issues in-depth. Prior to that, she was managing editor of digital at the San Francisco Chronicle, where she oversaw several projects such as the acclaimed documentary Last Men Standing. Kristen has also worked at the Arizona Republic and was on the team that won a 2000 Pulitzer Prize at the Denver Post. (@kristenrgo) 24-7: How to reclaim your life in a relentless technological pace | |
Melissa Gunning has worked on both sides of the editorial/product divide at Allure, Glamour, SELF, and Yahoo!, among others, and has found her niche translating engineer-speak to editor-speak (and vice-versa). She holds a B.A. from UC Irvine and resides in the East Bay. A Numbers Game: Pivot to Data and Product Thinking | |
Lia Haberman is Director of Social Media at and a digital media specialist in the entertainment and lifestyle space. With previous roles at Yahoo!, E! and the Style Network, she’s responsible for organic and paid audience growth and identifying editorial and social media partnership and revenue opportunities. (@liahaberman) Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need
Vanessa Hua is a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and author of Deceit and Other Possibilities, winner of the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature. She has received awards from the Rona Jaffe Writers Foundation, Society of Professional Journalists, and Asian American Journalists Association. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, and elsewhere. Her novel is forthcoming from Ballantine. (@vanessa_hua) Changes in Book Publishing | |
Holly Kernan, KQED’s Vice President of News, has had a long career as an award-winning journalist, television and radio host, executive producer and editor. She has held teaching positions at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, Mills College, Santa Rosa Junior College, Youth Radio and San Francisco State University. (@KQEDKernan) Standing Together, Taking a Stand. | |
Lila LaHood, Publisher, San Francisco Public Press, has worked as a nonprofit consultant. Lila has an M.S. from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and a B.A. in international relations from Stanford University. She served as president of the board of directors of the Northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. (@lilalahood) Event as Brand, Platform and Distribution | |
Kerry Lonsdale is the Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon Kindle bestselling author of Everything We Keep and All The Breaking Waves. She is a founder of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, an online community of over 800 women’s fiction writers. She resides in Northern California with her husband and two children. (@KerryLonsdale) Changes in Book Publishing | |
Courtney E. Martin is co-founder of Solutions Journalism Network, an independent nonprofit that supports and connects journalists reporting on responses to social problems without fluff, advocacy or PR. She is the author/editor of six books, including The New Better Off: Reinventing the American Dream. She is also a columnist for On Being, and a strategist for the TED Prize. (@courtwrites) From Crossroads to Intersection: How all roads lead to you | |
Laurie McLean spent 20 years as the CEO of a Silicon Valley PR agency and 8 years as an agent with Larsen Pomada Literary Agents before co-founding Fuse Literary in 2013. Laurie specializes in adult genre fiction plus middle grade and young adult children’s books. She is also co-director of the San Francisco Writers Conference. Find out more at (@agentsavant) Changes in Book Publishing | |
As editor and publisher at Via, the largest-circulation travel magazine in the West, Anne McSilver is devoted to high-quality content and passionate about managing high-performing people and projects. She promotes AAA brand loyalty with engaging multi-platform content, works with company leaders on key messaging for AAA members, and collaborates with a wide array of colleagues throughout 2,000-person organization. (@amcsilver) The Art and Science of Making Money | |
As the vice president of corporate sponsorship for KQED, DeLinda Mrowka leads the generation of new corporate sponsorship partnerships, and the expansion of existing accounts. Her department is responsible for 23 percent of the organization’s revenue supporting KQED’s public service mission. DeLinda is charged with reimagining underwriting, experimenting and finding innovative new ways to help sponsors connect with KQED’s brand across broadcast and digital platforms. (@DeLindaLM) Event as Brand, Platform and Distribution | |
Janice Min, is strategist with Eldridge Industries and co-owner 0f The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group. (@janicemin) 2017 Exceptional Woman in Publishing recipient & keynote speaker | |
Wanita Niehaus is a marketing and communications professional specializing in strategy, branding, design, public affairs and corporate social responsibility. She is founder and president of PowerHaus Consultants, a marketing, communications and training firm. Until 2014, she was the VP of Corporate Communications for Scripps Networks Interactive. (@WanitaNiehaus) From Crossroads to Intersection: How all roads lead to you | |
Lisa Raphael kicked off her career as a Bieber Whisperer at J-14 Magazine, later working as a producer at Lifetime and for Katie Couric and her talk show before becoming Brit + Co’s Editorial Director. Currently, Lisa is VP of Content and Audience at media startup The Relish and consults for individuals and companies. (@LRapTweets) Who’s There? Developing the audience you want and need | |
Zahra Rasool is part of Al Jazeera’s Innovation Team and currently the Editorial Lead for The Scene – an immersive media studio focusing on the production of 360-degree video, VR and AR content. Previously, she was managing editor of Huffington Post RYOT, responsible for RYOT’s editorial strategy, managing the content team and combining journalistic storytelling with VR. In 2015, she founded Gistory, which provides complete, concise and contextual news on a world map. (@RXahra) Live Now… Video’s Third Wave | |
Katherine Rowlands is a John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University focusing on newsroom gender disparity. Most recently, she’s been deputy business editor of the Bay Area News Group. Rowlands has also worked in newsrooms in several California cities and spent four years in Honduras as a freelancer for The Economist and other publications. She studied at the London School of Economics, while working as a production assistant for ABC. (@news_kat) Standing Together, Taking a Stand | |
Linda Ruth is CEO of PSCS Consulting, where she advises on magazine launches, search engine optimization and audience development online and at retail. She is co-founder of EWIP and President of Newsstands of America. With more than 20 years experience in magazine marketing, she is author of Internet Marketing for Magazine Publishers, How to Market your Newsstand Magazine and Secrets of SEO for Publishers and has held management positions at McGraw-Hill and IDG Communications. (@Linda_Ruth) Standing Together, Taking a Stand | |
Thea Selby is Principal at Next Steps Marketing, supervising digital publication creation, directing audience marketing efforts and creating outreach programs for non-profit and governmental agencies. Thea was CEO of Light Green Media, and managed the investment strategy and advertising for the flagship digital publication, She also puts her skills to use working with others to create a safe and thriving San Francisco, and holds an MBA from the University of Oregon and an A.B. from UC Berkeley. (@TheaSelby)Standing Together, Taking a Stand | |
Naheed Hasnat Senzai is the author of Shooting Kabul, chosen by the Asian Pacific Librarians Association as their Young Adult Literature winner and an NPR’s Backseat Book Club pick, along with Edgar Award nominee Saving Kabul Corner and Ticket to India. She spent her childhood in San Francisco and Jubail, Saudi Arabia; at high school in London she was voted “most likely to lead a literary revolution.” Her upcoming novel is Escape From Aleppo, about a girl fleeing Syria at the advent of the Arab Spring. (@nhsnatsenzai) Changes in Book Publishing | |
Roberta Steele is Regional Attorney for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission San Francisco District Office. Throughout her legal career, Steele has worked as a plaintiffs’ attorney with a significant practice in employment discrimination law. She is also Program Director at the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA), responsible for coordination of NELA’s amicus, judicial nominations and continuing legal education programs, and public policy work. Not In My Sandbox: Fighting unconscious bias and gender equality by knowing your rights | |
Leigh Stein is the author of three books, and the co-founder and Executive Director of Out of the Binders, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to advancing the careers of women and gender variant writers. Her newest book is the memoir Land of Enchantment. For her advocacy work, Stein has been called a “leading feminist” by the Washington Post and honored as a “woman of influence” by New York Business Journal. (@rhymeswithbee)Standing Together, Taking a Stand | |
Tracey Taylor is co-founder and managing editor of Berkeleyside. Her writing has been published in the New York Times, Financial Times and San Francisco Chronicle, among others. Tracey has worked as an editor for business-to-business magazines and at the Financial Times, as well as for private clients including non-profits and authors. She has edited two books — and worked as a professional blogger.(@tktaylor) Event as Brand, Platform and Distribution
Elle Toussi is a cross-platform journalist and founder of nonprofit In One Minute. Toussi has history reporting on the film industry, Islam, the Middle East and all matters pertaining to Southern California. Her passions including reporting on the Middle East, women, technology and how these worlds come together. In One Minute uses mobile technology and philanthropy to meet specific needs of women around the world. (@ElleToussi) Live Now… Video’s Third Wave | |
Brooke Warner is publisher of She Writes Press, president of Warner Coaching Inc., and author of Green-light Your Book, What’s Your Book?, and three books on memoir. Brooke is the former Executive Editor of Seal Press. She writes a monthly column for Publishers Weekly and blogs actively on Huffington Post Books and (@Brooke_Warner) Changes in Book Publishing | |
Lisa Westmoreland is Executive Editor at Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Crown Books, Penguin Random House. She has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in English Literature from Stanford University. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. (@EditingLisa) Changes in Book Publishing | |
As Editor at Large at LinkedIn, Marisa Wong works closely with product and engineering teams to build editorial features for the site. Her latest launch involves a new news-focused product, for which editors curate content and commentary. Prior to this role, Marisa served as Managing Editor of SlideShare (a LinkedIn company), and worked as a traditional journalist for publications such as The Wall Street Journal and People Magazine. (@Marisa_Wong) A Numbers Game: Pivot to Data and Product Thinking |
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The Women’s National Book Association was established in 1917. It is a vibrant national organization that advocates for women’s literacy and for women’s role in the community of the book. The WNBA– SF Chapter members includes agents, authors, editors, publishers, journalists, librarians and Silicon Valley execs. We hold literary events all year to make sure women’s voices are heard, such as Pitch-O-Rama, which will be held on Saturday, March 25th. Learn more
Exceptional Women in Publishing
Exceptional Women in Publishing (EWIP) was founded in 1998 by women who felt the need for an organization that addressed the leadership aspirations of women in magazine publishing. EWIP, formerly Women in Periodical Publishing, was formed with two goals in mind: to educate, empower and support women in publishing and to educate, empower and support women and girls through the power of publishing.
EWIP/WIPP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Our active volunteer members and board of directors strive to support women in publishing, in all manner of publications whether print, online, mobile, or other digital media. We also encourage female entrepreneurship, and offer a range of professional development programs through our national and regional events, online communications, mentoring, and research.
An Organization that Benefits YOU!
EWIP has built a diverse community through our events, website, social networks, the annual EWIP Award honoring an exceptional woman in publishing, and the Women’s Leadership Conference. EWIP functions because of the personal dedication of our members and volunteers, with the generous support of our sponsors, partners, and the fabulous speakers and participants. The growth of our membership has accelerated with the availability of social networking tools and we are thrilled by the many voices we hear from around the globe. We welcome your questions and encourage active participation at our events and in online discussions. Please sign up for the EWIP alerts, join our membership, and consider getting more involved. We hope to hear from you very soon!
Celebrate | 2017 Awardee | Speakers | Schedule | Sessions | Bios | Sponsors | Board | Tickets | Award History | Directions/Getting Here | Where to Stay
EWIP Board of Directors
![]() Vera Chan|President
Vera Chan currently serves as Chief Journalist/Content Strategist at Bing News @ Microsoft, providing marketplace, editorial and product insights. Before Bing, she worked as a global senior editor, Web trends spokesperson and Front Page writer at Yahoo!, where she was a Super Star nominee seven times running. Vera paid her dues at Bay Area newspapers and regional magazines, and did a stint at a computer software game company right out of UC Berkeley J-School. She has contributed to books such as Asia in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Cultural Guide and Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia of History and Innovation. A recipient of Sisters in Crime grant, she writes fiction on the side. (@FastTalkingD) |
![]() Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig |Communications
An award-winning journalist, Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig is CEO/Editor-in-Chief of shades Magazine– Celebrating All Women of Color, co-owner of ZM Productions & Media and Region VI director for the National Association of Black Journalists. She is a graduate of and former associate professor at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and co-author of Living in the Moment: A Guide to Living a Full and Spiritual Life. (@shadesmagazine1) |
![]() Katharine Fong |Treasurer
Katharine Fong is a journalist and publisher, and current Editor in Chief of California Educator magazine. Committed to advancing communications on all platforms and for all communities, she has held senior positions at the San Jose Mercury News, Miami Herald and Mother Jones, among others, and served as a board director for the Online News Association and Asian American Journalists Association-SF. Katharine has a B.A. from UC Berkeley, and an M.A. in classical archaeology from Antioch University. (@kathfong) |
![]() Dorothy Marschall |Design
With a successful career spanning more than 25 years, Dorothy Marschall has created award-winning designs for consumer magazines, print advertising and corporate identity. As art director at Health magazine, she received frequent recognition within the design community for publication design. With an expert knowledge base in print and extensive experience with web and online design, Marschall Design functions as a full-service firm, applying creative solutions across multiple platforms and disciplines. (@MarschallDesign) |
![]() Lisa Radler |Vice President
Lisa Radler is an audience development consultant with more than two decades in the publishing industry, with stints at Health Magazine, IDG & Future US Media, where she headed up its audience marketing, mobile app and eCommerce initiatives. Lisa has won several industry awards including the Folio Audience Development All Star Award for her accomplishments in mobile app marketing. She served as Audience Development Director at AFAR Media, a multi-platform travel media brand. (@lradler) |
![]() Christine Sarkis |Social
Christine Sarkis is a Senior Editor at SmarterTravel, the online travel magazine owned by TripAdvisor. In addition to writing and editing, she oversees syndication partnerships and social media. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley and an alumna of King’s College London. (@ChristineSarkis) |
![]() Deborah Todd |Membership
Until recently, Deborah Todd covered the Internet for Thomson Reuters, with a focus on Silicon Valley companies Yahoo and Google. Previously, she served as business reporter on technology and entrepreneurship at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and a staff writer at the Pittsburgh Courier. (@Deborahtodd) |
Celebrate | 2017 Awardee | Speakers | Schedule | Sessions | Bios | Sponsors | Board | Tickets | Award History | Directions/Getting Here | Where to Stay
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Women are great leaders because they are able to balance professional and personal leadership skills. It’s also easier to approach a women leader with a personal request or a sensitive question.