The folks at Publishing Executive magazine are working hard to make your life easier. They are convening a virtual business conference with industry experts and “takeaways” from each session during the day-long event, available to you all without leaving town. Actually, you can register for the event and earn points by attending sessions, trading virtual business cards, and visiting exhibitor booths all without leaving your desk. Earn enough points and you will be entered into a chance to win an iPad2. Easy. There are sessions on digital discoveries, revenue strategies, building apps, DRM, e-books, opportunities in content marketing, and more.
Register HERE, but hurry, September 13th is virtually here!
What: Publishing Executives Virtual Business Conference
Who: Publishing Business eLearning Team
When: September 13, 2012 10:00 am – 5:00 pm ET
Where: Right from your computer, its virtual!
Why: Because you can never learn too much about the publishing business (you want an iPad2)
Cost: Free to all
Tell them EWIP sent you. 😉